animated film, 10 minutes 32 seconds, animation and editing Bohdan Dušek, music Freddy Ruppert, sound direction Johana Švarcová
purchased 2019 with the support of the Czech Ministry of Culture
Heavy Planet is a unique item among Bolf’s works. It is not a painting – the form with which he is usually associated – but an animated adaptation of his artistic imagination. It is an audiovisual film collage consisting of Bolf’s artistic methods and techniques, incorporating three-dimensional puppets and music (Freddy Ruppert). The film is accompanied by a harrowing autobiographical text written by Bolf himself. In this ten-minute film, the images, literally set in motion, accumulate and express everything that we are accustomed to in Bolf’s oeuvre – anxiety, fear, melancholy and vulnerability, in other words the artist’s most inner soul.