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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00


An intervention by painters at the rear of the building adjacent to the House of Art. Artists leaving their signatures on the wall will include Filip Nádvorník, Václav Buchtelík, Kristýna Kroutilová and four students from one of the University of Ostrava’s painting studios: Tereza Samková, Karolína Kolbová, Adéla Matalová and Bára Krejčová.

 The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava and the University of Ostrava have prepared a week-long artistic intervention on the outer wall of a building adjacent to the House of Art. As part of a project entitled SITUATION, you can watch the creative process unfold from Monday 23 September to Friday 27 September 2019. Seven artists will be participating in the event.

The aim of the intervention is to create works of art in seven separate niches of a wall that is visible from the car parking area behind the House of Art. The works created will only be temporary; eventually the wall will be demolished to make way for the planned extension of the House of Art (to be known as the “White Shadow”). 

The participating artists have been selected by the gallery’s curator Jaroslav Michna and two teachers from the University of Ostrava, František Kowolowski and Jiří Kuděla. The artists have not been given a shared topic. They will use a range of techniques – brush and spray painting, as well as mixed techniques. The seven niches in the wall will become the site of seven large-scale temporary art works. The gallery will paint and impregnate the niches before the intervention to create a suitable surface for the artists to work on. The material will be paid for by the Moravská Ostrava municipal district (the central district of Ostrava, where the House of Art is located). 

Participating artists:
Kristýna Krutilová
Filip Nádvorník
Václav Buchtelík
Tereza Samková
Karolína Kolbová
Adéla Matalová
Bára Krejčová

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