Publication in Czech and English.
Publisher: Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava in collaboration with the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, to accompany the exhibition Vlastislav Hofman (1884-1964) Pocta invenci (A Tribute to Invention) held from 27 September 2017 – 7 January 2018 in the House of Art (Dům umění)
Texts: Mahulena Nešlehová (ed.), Petr Gába, Jiří Fronek, Gabriela Pelikánová, Markéta Svobodová, Jana Trtíková, Věra Velemanová, Lucie Vlčková
Photographs: Taťána Billerová, Ondřej Němec, Pavel Nešleha, the artist’s family archive, Prague City Institute for Planning and Development, Prague City Archives, Ostrava City Archives, National Theatre Archives, Silesian Museum in Opava
English translation: Adrian Dean
Graphic design: Robert V. Novák and Zuzana Burgrová
Technical assistance: Kryštof Novák, Tomáš Brichcín
Print: Printo
151 pp., 150 reproductions, paperback
ISBN 978-80-87405-42-0