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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00
IVO SUMEC / People’s Things - Ivo Sumec / People´s things

IVO SUMEC / People’s Things

This is an accompanying publication for the exhibition IVO SUMEC / People’s Things, held at the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava from 17 January to 10 March 2024.

Exhibition concept: Renata Skřebská
Texts: Renata Skřebská, Ivo Sumec
Editors: Jana Malášek Šrubařová, Magdaléna Staňková
Photographs: canner GVUO, Jiří Žižka
English translation: Christopher Hopkinson
Graphic design of the exhibition and supervision: Katarína Jamrišková
Graphic design of the publication, typesetting: Eva Kubicová
Print: Tiskárna Helbich, Brno a. s.
Print run: 400 pcs

Published by the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava, 2024.

ISBN 978-80-87405-90-1 (GVUO)
ISBN 978-80-7599-393-9 (FU OU)

78 pages, 47 reproductions

Product code: K0289
© 2017 Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
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