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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00
Gallery in a nutshell -
Gallery in a nutshell -
Gallery in a nutshell -
Gallery in a nutshell -
Gallery in a nutshell -

Gallery in a nutshell

The gallery’s education department has published a brand-new guide called The Gallery in a Nutshell. Packed with exciting creative ideas, it is an interactive manual for families with children from age 5 upwards (the recommended age is 7 and upwards). The guide has been designed to enable children to really enjoy the gallery experience, so it presents everything in a fun and playful way – not only the artworks themselves, but everything to do with promoting and presenting art. This bright, colourful publication will catch children’s attention from the first moment they see it.

Inside, you will find cards with various tasks and creative tips. You can do some of these tasks in the comfort of your own home, while for others you’ll need to visit the gallery. And that’s one of the reasons for this project: we want to encourage children and their parents to come and enjoy our gallery – a space with a wonderfully creative, open and stimulating atmosphere. When doing the tasks, children will become detectives, artists, sculptors, cultural dramaturges, architects or curators, creating a gallery environment that’s distinctively their own. You can put together exhibitions from the small-scale reproductions of works from our collections, or you can create your own drawings and other forms of art. The guide will show children how hugely wide-ranging and stimulating art can be, encompassing both individual creativity and the institution that provides support for this creativity and offers a platform for its public display.

Conception and texts: Jana Sedláková, Hedvika Dalecká
Illustration: Leona Hlavinková, Hedvika Dalecká
Printed by: Tiskárna Helbich, Brno
Print run: 1000 pcs.

Published by Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava, 2021
© Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, 2021
ISBN 978-80-87405-59-8 

Product code: K0278
© 2017 Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
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