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House of Art
TUES–SUN 10:00–18:00
Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity - Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity
Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity - Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity
Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity - Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity

Beyond the lens, beyond objectivity

Exhibition Concept: Jaroslav Michna
Texts: Jaroslav Michna
Graphic design: Robert V. Novák, Karolína Matušková
Promotion: Jana Malášek Šrubařová, Magdaléna Staňková
Translation: Christopher Hopkinson
Printing: Tiskárna Helbich, Brno
Print run: 400 copies

29 pages, 23 reproductions 

Published by the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava, 2022

The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture.

ISBN 978-80-87405-70-3

in Czech and English

Product code: K 0282
© 2017 Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
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